some of the new baby Carp put into the stock ponds to grow on Sept 2021
Dec 2021 Bob is back although not 100% he is normally at the shop from 9am-12am but if weather is bad sometimes its not worth being open. We now have a new card machine so if Bob is about you can pay for your fishing and tackle with credit card, we have applied for Sticky Baits franchise so hopefully will stock shop in the new year
Norman Bickers
ts been a very hard winter closed in January because of high water levels and banks in very bad conditions due to constant rain. we then had snow and lock down which didn’t allow night fishing or travel,but its now all systems go lets just hope the fish will respond. I did think that by closing the lakes in Jan would help the fishing, making them hungry, but the reverse seemed to happen with the fish going into hibernation due to the very cold water,but signs are that the fish are now starting to feed with some really good fish out in the past two weeks and now we can night fish I am sure catches will improve . Last September we started to clear the Island that hadn’t been touched in 20 years the undergrowth and fallen dead trees made it like trekking the amazon rain forest,we assumed that if any Otters lived on the lakes this would be the place that would show signs. Thankfully no dead fish scales ,bones or anything was found now its cleared we have installed a very nice chicken house so we will have island eggs, and they will also help to keep it clear. At the top end of the island were some very large trees that had collapsed into the water making good cover for the fish but the amount of leads and lost tackle that was recovered proved that it was a bit of a graveyard, the dead trees will now be replaced with some lily beds. We have had reports of a few damaged fish one with a very bad gnawed tail that is typical Otter damage this had healed and could have been done some time ago as i am not sure if they can re-grow a tail also some damage has been seen on the backs of fish this is often caused by Cormorants that dive from on high not realizing that the fish are far to big for them but they can still take out a chunk of flesh, if any angler catches a damaged fish please put on an anti-septic spray fortunately the water at Melton contains salt so is a good healer, This year we are trying water dye to color the water which in turn stops weed growth and make the fish feel safer and helps stops predators like Cormorants finding the fish easy prey,This dye is perfectly safe for anglers and fish and hopefully will make a difference this summer.